Two Ways You Can Try To Resolve A Dispute With Your Landlord On Your Own

Posted on: 13 July 2015

Some people think the quickest and easiest way to handle landlord disputes is to file a suit in court. However, finding a way to settle your issue outside the walls of a courtroom can save you time and money. If your landlord is violating your lease agreement, is unresponsive to your maintenance needs or causing another problem, see if you can resolve the issue on your own first. Set Up A Meeting
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3 Things To Consider Before Getting A Divorce

Posted on: 18 June 2015

Divorces are common in our society. Many people choose to get a divorce, which sadly, doesn't always make life easier. This is why it is important that, before you seek out a divorce lawyer, you take the time to decide if divorce is really right for you. Here are some things to consider. Do You Really Want A Divorce Or Are You Just Threatening? Some people choose to use a divorce as a threat to their spouse to let them know how serious they are or to get a reaction.
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The Dos And Don'ts Of Negotiating A Personal Injury Claim With An Insurance Company

Posted on: 3 June 2015

If you've been injured as a result of another person's carelessness--whether it be due to a car accident, slip-and-fall, or anything in between--there's a good chance you're filing a personal injury claim as a means of seeking the compensation to which you're entitled. As you go through the complicated and drawn-out claims process, however, there are some things you need to know about negotiating with the insurance company. DO Have a Specific Settlement Amount in Mind
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Avoiding Eviction Court: Getting Tenants to Leave on Their Own

Posted on: 11 May 2015

The tenant eviction process is a notoriously long and expensive in Ontario. It can take over 90 days and cost upwards of $570 or more to get an unwanted renter out of your home or apartment building. This doesn't include the loss of rent and potential damages to the property that may occur while trying to get the tenant out. While you should always be willing to use the courts to evict the renter, there are a couple of things you can do to get the person to leave the facility on their own.
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