Two Reasons Passengers May Not Collect Damages In An Auto Accident

Posted on: 5 November 2017

When you're a passenger in an auto accident, you have just as much a right to collect compensation for your injuries as the driver. Unfortunately, there are some things that can prevent you from doing so. Here are two things that can affect the success of your accidents case and what, if anything, you can do about them: You're Married to the Liable Party A common reason a passenger may be barred from collecting damages for an accident is that he or she is married to the person who caused the accident.
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4 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Applying For Social Security

Posted on: 6 October 2017

One of the ways to get compensation for an injury you may have at some point in life is by filling out an application and giving it to your social security department. Hopefully this will enable you to be compensated on a monthly basis and allow you to get your bills paid. However, there are a number of reasons this may not happen because of mistakes you've made during this process.
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How Difficult Is It To Win A Medical Malpractice Case?

Posted on: 18 September 2017

One of the misconceptions about medical malpractice cases is that if a medical care provider causes injury to a patient, he or she will automatically be liable for the damages. The reality is that medical malpractice cases are complex and require significant time and effort to win. From day one, you need to understand what you are facing and what you can do to potentially overcome challenges. Why Is It Hard to Win?
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Coping With The Death Of Your Grandmother And Your Recent Inheritance

Posted on: 12 September 2017

If your grandmother recently passed away and added you to her will, leaving you with her residence and wordly possessions, you may feel overwhelmed about the sudden inheritance and still be dealing with emotions associated with the loss of your loved one. The following tips will help you come to terms with the situation you have encountered and decide how you will utilize the property that has been given to you.
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