Gross Vs. Ordinary Negligence In Car Accident Cases

Posted on: 7 January 2020

When an accident attorney examines a potential claim or suit, one of the things they'll look at closely is the nature of the negligence at play in the case. In American law, negligence is usually broken up into two kinds, gross and ordinary. The differences between the two are worth thinking about before you submit a claim. What is Ordinary Negligence? Ordinary negligence is a product of reasonably understandable happenings. Suppose someone was hanging a left turn before they had a nearly head-on collision with another driver.
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3 Ways A Real Estate Attorney Can Help A First-Time Commercial Real Estate Investor

Posted on: 6 December 2019

Real estate attorneys are important if you plan on investing in commercial real estate, especially if this is your first time. Not only can they help protect your investment from a variety of circumstances that can cost you money, but they can also help you determine if a property will be worth buying or selling. The following are just a few examples of the ways real estate legal services can help you with commercial property investments.
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Can You Sue For Wrongful Death When The Defendant Dies?

Posted on: 8 November 2019

Wrongful death claims can arise from all kinds of circumstances, but car accidents and medical malpractice are two of the most common causes of premature death. When the grieving survivors file a wrongful death claim over the loss of their loved one, however, the case can get complicated by the defendant's death.  Defendants in wrongful death claims die all the time — sometimes from natural causes and sometimes from the same accident that claimed the life of their victim.
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Three Things You (Probably) Don't Know About Estate Planning

Posted on: 10 October 2019

Planning your will is a smart move no matter how old you are. Having a well-crafted will can help to make sure that your final wishes are carried out in a way that you are comfortable with, and it can help your survivors deal with the experience in a way that is easier and less stressful. Despite these benefits, many people put off creating their will or go into the process with unrealistic expectations.
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