A Probate Lawyer Can Help You With The Whole Probate Process

Posted on: 4 March 2018

When a family member has died, there is a whole process that you must go through when it comes to their will and probate. There are ways that you can make it easier, including hiring a probate lawyer. So, what is probate? Probate Probate is the legal process in which a will goes before the court and is approved. When the probate court approves the will, it is then entered as a public document.
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Resolve A Conflict With Your Ex Involving Visitation With Your Children

Posted on: 1 February 2018

If your ex picked your children up for the weekend and refused to bring them home at the time that you both agreed upon and brought them home several hours late, you have every right to be upset and may even feel as if you are not going to be able to trust your ex with your kids any longer. It can be scary to contemplate not seeing your children when you expect to and can cause you undue stress and restlessness.
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3 Important Reasons To Use Estate Planning Services

Posted on: 8 January 2018

Have you been giving thought to your last wishes? Are you finally getting ready to put everything down into writing so that your friends and family will know what to do when the time comes? Whether you're completely sure how you want everything to be divided up or you're still making last minute changes, it's not always easy to put your last wishes into written form. In fact, even if you know exactly how everything should be distributed, it's a good idea to consult with a professional regarding how things should be.
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Shoulder Injuries: Are You Eligible For Workers' Compensation Benefits?

Posted on: 5 December 2017

If you injure your shoulder on the job, you should apply for workers' compensation benefits as soon as you can. But if your employer refuses to acknowledge or report your injury, speak to an attorney. Regardless of how you injured your shoulder, you may still be entitled to workers' comp benefits. Here's why you qualify for workers' compensation benefits and what you can do to get them. What Are Your Employer's Responsibilities?
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