
  • A Guide To Protecting Your Rights When You Sustained An Injury At Work From A Crane

    If you have recently been injured by a crane at work, it is important to note that even if the unit was in good condition and functioning as it should at the time of the event, there is still an excellent chance that your employer will be held responsible for your injuries. That is because most of the time if the crane was functioning as it should and is in compliance with all of the current requirements for its use, your injuries occurred because the person operating the crane made one or more mistakes while operating the unit.
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  • Avoid Injuries When Shopping

    Avoid Injuries While Grocery Shopping It may be hard for you to imagine getting hurt while you are doing something as routine as shopping for groceries. However, the truth is that there are a lot of different ways you can get hurt while you are shopping. You should keep the tips offered here in mind every time you go to the store so you can reduce your chances of getting hurt:
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  • Proving Your Business' Flooring Is Not At Fault For An Injury

    If you own your own business, and you recently had a mishap occur where someone is claiming they had fallen inside of your establishment due to neglect on your part, you are most likely concerned about any compensation you will be required to pay for their injuries. If you suspect the person is falsely accusing you and that they had pretended to fall for their own benefit, taking action will be necessary so you do not need to pay for their claimed hardship.
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  • Drive-Through Disasters: Mitigating Car Accidents and Business Buildings

    When business buildings do not have a drive-thru service, but drivers create their own drive-thru by driving through the sides or front of the business, that is a car accident for the books. If this has happened to your business, and a driver has driven his or her vehicle through a wall of your building, then you may need to sue. Before you hire a lawyer, however, you will need to get the car-insurance information from the driver responsible, after which you can do the following.
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  • FAQs About Proving Your Claim After a Dog Attack

    After surviving a dog attack, you have the right to take action. What consequences the owner can face vary by province, but the fact that you are entitled to compensation does not. If you have been bitten by a dog, here is what you need to know.    What Do You Have to Prove? What you have to prove to win your claim against the owner of a dog varies by province.
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  • Faqs About A Disability Insurance Claim Denial

    A denial of your disability insurance claim does not necessarily mean the end of the road. You can file an appeal to request a review of the decision. Before filing an appeal, here is what you need to know.  Why Was Your Claim Denied? A claim denial can occur for several reasons. For instance, some claims are denied because there is a lack of medical evidence. Lack of medical evidence could mean that the insurance company did not receive enough medical records from your medical care providers to make a decision.
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  • Going Through A Divorce? Two Reasons Why You Need Help With The Paperwork

    Going through a divorce can be an extremely taxing experience. The situation can be made even worse when you realize that you have legal documents to fill out. The importance of filling out these documents correctly cannot be underestimated, since they outline the terms of your dissolution from your spouse. That's why you need the assistance of a company that specializes in helping people fill out their divorce agreements so that the papers will have the correct verbiage and information contained within them.
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  • 3 Mistakes To Avoid When Filing Bankruptcy

    Making the decision to file for bankruptcy is one that shouldn't be taken lightly. Bankruptcy can eliminate almost all of your unsecured debt and leave you with a clean slate. This can be huge for someone who is struggling to make ends meet and can't seem to get ahead of their bills. Instead of feeling like you can never get out of debt, you can file for bankruptcy and put an end to your financial troubles.
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  • 2 Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney After A Car Accident

    One of the easiest ways to make dealing with the aftermath of an auto accident more tolerable is by hiring a personal injury lawyer, mostly because he or she can assist you by making your case as strong as possible. Listed below are two ways that a personal injury attorney can help you out with your auto accident case. Avoiding Blame One of the single most important parts of making your case as strong as possible is avoiding having the blame for the accident placed on you.
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  • Your Contest Might Be Illegal: Designing a Legal Online Competition

    When running a contest in Canada, you will need to make sure that you are not accidentally running a gambling operation. A contest can become an illegal game if it contains certain characteristics. Designing Your Legal Contest To be considered a form of gambling, a game must require that you pay to enter, there must be an element of chance, and there must be a prize. Therefore, if you remove one of those elements, your contest will not be considered gambling.
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