
  • Three Things You (Probably) Don't Know About Estate Planning

    Planning your will is a smart move no matter how old you are. Having a well-crafted will can help to make sure that your final wishes are carried out in a way that you are comfortable with, and it can help your survivors deal with the experience in a way that is easier and less stressful. Despite these benefits, many people put off creating their will or go into the process with unrealistic expectations.
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  • Protect Yourself: 4 Ways To Protect Yourself From Medical Malpractice

    If you're undergoing medical treatment, you run the risk of falling victim to medical malpractice. According to statistics, medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, in 2012, medical malpractice claims were paid out about once every 43 seconds. Luckily, there are some things you can do to safeguard yourself. Here are four steps you need to take to protect yourself from medical malpractice.
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  • What Should You Do If You Can't Afford Child Support Payments?

    You took part in having a child with someone, but the relationship didn't work out. As the parent who does not have full guardianship of the child, you will likely be responsible for child support payments. When couples who have a child together separate or get a divorce, the family court system will automatically decide how much your payments should be. There can be several factors involved in determining a proper payment, but that does not mean that these payments are always easy to afford.
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  • 3 Ways You Can Be Charged With Credit Card Fraud

    When most people think of criminal charges, they think of things like theft, assault, or drug crimes. However, there are some crimes that are considered just as bad in the eyes of the court system, and you can find yourself with some pretty serious charges and penalties. Credit card fraud is one of those criminal charges. Even though most people will never do anything illegal with a credit card that would lead to facing fraud charges, getting caught up in these kinds of charges is far easier than you may realize.
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  • What To Do With A Personal Injury Case

    It's time to take action if you are dealing with some sort of injury at the hands of another, or more often than not -- due to the negligence of another. These circumstances can be tough to contend with, but you need to stay on top of the details of your case so that you can get results from your personal injury case. You'll want to hire a personal injury attorney near you that can build you a case, negotiate a settlement, or just give you some good law advice when you need it.
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  • 3 Ways To Encourage A Sexual Harassment Victim In The Workplace

    The total number of people who have been victims of sexual harassment in the workplace is a hard thing to count. Because it is severely underreported, sexual harassment is assumed to be one of the most widespread workplace issues. In a lot of cases, you may not be the victim, but you may actually witness an incident or know someone who has become a victim. Even in a situation in which you are not the victim, you have a role to play to make sure the proper steps are taken.
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  • Paid Instantly: Alimony Lump Sum Payments

    Even though many people don't need it nowadays, alimony (or spousal support) can still be ordered if there is a need. When there is a gap between the earning capacity of the two spouses, judges can order that one spouse pay the other in an effort to make things more equitable. There is more than one way to be paid, so read on to find out more. Alimony Types If you and your spouse are separated and you show a need, the judge can order temporary alimony to assist you during the separation period.
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  • What You Need To Know About Age Discrimination

    Being discriminated against for any factor outside of your control is a horrible feeling. It is especially horrible when it happens in the workplace or when it keeps you from getting a job. The important thing to understand, however, is that  age discrimination is highly illegal. Thus, if you feel it may have occurred to you, you should report it to the human resources department at your job, if applicable, as well as to an attorney.
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  • Why Understanding Construction Law Is Critical To Your Project

    Construction law issues can pop up all over in commercial and residential projects. From setting up the details of contracts to obtaining appropriate permits, many people will turn to a construction attorney to see that they get the specifics right. If a dispute eventually comes up, it's also good to have the support of a construction lawyer as you try to sort the situation out. Before you get rolling on your next project, be mindful of these common construction law problems that need to be addressed.
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  • 3 Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

    Similar to how there are different doctors that specialize in different health treatments, there are also different lawyers that specialize in different areas of the law, including personal injury law. If you are unfamiliar with this area of the law, then you may not know when you may need to hire a personal injury lawyer. From auto accidents to slip and fall cases, this article will take a closer look at a few reasons why you may need to hire a personal injury lawyer.
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