
  • Injured And Unable To Work, But Does Your Situation Qualify As A Personal Injury Case?

    When you can't work due to an injury, life can become very scary, very quickly. Bills pile up, you have no money coming in, and especially if you're in constant pain, there's no end in sight. Relief may come in the form of successfully pursuing the party responsible for your injury, but does your situation qualify? Was your injury a simple mishap that could have happened to anybody or can you hold a party legally responsible, and therefore, sue them?
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  • Time Is Of The Essence: How To Expedite Your Claim Process

    Many policyholders believe that an insurance provider will simply pay an insurance claim and that all of the damages that result from the accident will be paid for. However, this is no guarantee, especially if you do not follow the proper procedures that are necessary to maximize the chances that your insurance claim will be paid quickly.  Knowing Where To File A Claim Before you file a claim, it is important to determine whether you should file the claim under you own auto insurance policy or if the claim should be filed under another motorist's auto insurance policy.
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  • What Represents a Fair Settlement for an Auto Accident?

    After you're involved in a vehicle accident, you'll typically receive a settlement offer from the auto insurance company responsible for paying your damages and losses. One of the major challenges you'll face when you receive this proposal is determining whether it is a decent one or a low-ball offer that doesn't actually fully compensate you. Here are three issues you should look at to help you decide if the settlement offer you get is fair.
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  • How To Determine If It Is Worth Retaining A Personal Injury Attorney

    If you have been injured in an accident, and it was no fault of your own, you might want to think about the legal options that are available to you. Whether the accident happened while you were driving, walking in a store, or walking down a sidewalk, if your injuries are substantial enough, you might want to think about retaining a personal injury attorney. To help you understand if your injuries are indeed serious enough, you will want to check out the following points.
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  • 3 Reasons To Consider Changing Your Custody Agreement

    If you currently have joint custody of your children and there has been a change in circumstances, you may be wondering if it's time to amend your custody agreement. After all, sometimes changes can adversely affect your children. Here are three examples of when it may be appropriate to consider changes in your custody agreement. The other parent has lost their job If the other parent has lost their job, you may be concerned about their ability to keep a roof over your children's heads.
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  • The Complexities Of A Dog Bite Personal Injury Case With The Chow

    Personal injury cases with dog bites can be a very harrowing and difficult type to pursue. This is especially true if the bite was caused by a small and non-threatening dog, like a chow. That's why it is important to understand these cases and who to pursue them properly. Chows Can Be Surprisingly Dangerous Chows may not seem like a vary dangerous dog breed, but it is the second most dangerous dog in the country when measured by bite frequency.
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  • Protecting Financial Assets After A Parent Passes Away

    If you recently experienced the tragic event in losing your only living parent, and you are the executor of their estate, you are most likely going through a range of emotions and uncertainties regarding the financial aspects of their property. There are several steps you need to take to aid in protecting your parent's assets. Here are some tasks it is necessary to take right way to ensure your parent's financial information and asset distribution is done with as little difficulty as possible.
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  • Three Tips For Fathers Going Through A Divorce

    Getting a divorce can be complicated, painful, life changing, and costly, but when children are involved, the stakes can be even higher, especially if you are a man. While there have been some shifts in recent years, it is still common for mothers to be awarded full custody while the father is reduced to simply providing the monthly child support check. Children certainly need their mother, particularly when they are very young, but this should not diminish the importance of the role a father plays in life.
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  • 3 Tips On Dealing With A Work-Related Vehicle Accident

    A car accident can be an incredibly detailed bit of litigation, which is why you must find a great attorney who is equipped to represent you. These sorts of issues can become even more complicated if you happen to get into an accident on the clock, in a work-related vehicle. To learn about these cases and to make sure that you find the best work-related vehicle accident attorney to protect you during litigation and out of court settlements, read below.
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