Been In A Car Accident? Why You Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney
Posted on: 15 June 2023
If you've been in a car accident, don't wait to hire a personal injury attorney. You might think you can handle the insurance company on your own, but that could put you at a loss. That's especially true where your compensation is concerned. As an accident victim, you have a right to compensation. If you don't hire a personal injury attorney, you could lose out on some of that compensation. If you don't want to hire a personal injury attorney for your car accident, read the list below. Here are four reasons to hire a personal injury attorney before you negotiate your settlement.
Medical Expenses
If you've been injured in a car accident, you're entitled to compensation for your medical expenses. That means you should get reimbursed for any accident-related medical bills you pay out of your pocket. But, you're also entitled to medical care that you don't pay for. That includes physical therapy, durable medical goods, and rehabilitative services. A personal injury attorney will make sure you have access to those medical services. They'll also make sure that you're not left holding any medical bills related to the accident.
Pain and Suffering
If you're recovering from a car accident, don't forget about your pain and suffering. A lot of people forget that they're entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering. If you fall into that category, it's time to hire a personal injury attorney. Pain and suffering offer compensation for things like emotional distress, and temporary or permanent physical limitations resulting from the accident. Without an attorney, the insurance company might not include pain and suffering in your settlement offer. An attorney will make sure you have access to that type of compensation.
Punitive Damages
If you were injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to punitive damages. That's especially true if the at-fault driver was charged with reckless driving or a DUI. Punitive damages are paid when someone causes injuries while acting recklessly or negligently. A personal injury attorney can help you get punitive damages for your accident injuries.
Personal Property
If you've been in a car accident, you're entitled to get your car fixed or replaced. But, property repairs and replacement goes beyond your car. Personal property covers things you had inside your car. That includes car seats, strollers, and sunglasses. If you lost personal property in your car accident, make a list as soon as possible. Then, give that list to your personal injury attorney. They'll make sure you get compensation for your damaged or destroyed property.
For more info, contact a local company like Bowers Fawcett & Hurst, LLC.