3 Reasons To Consider Changing Your Custody Agreement
Posted on: 24 June 2017
If you currently have joint custody of your children and there has been a change in circumstances, you may be wondering if it's time to amend your custody agreement. After all, sometimes changes can adversely affect your children. Here are three examples of when it may be appropriate to consider changes in your custody agreement.
The other parent has lost their job
If the other parent has lost their job, you may be concerned about their ability to keep a roof over your children's heads. A job loss can cause a significant financial strain, especially if unemployment doesn't pay all of their bills. If the other parent does lose their housing, you can and should file for emergency full custody of your children. Keep in mind, however, that when one parent suffers a job loss, the other parent may be required to pay more for child support, which can help them parent with a job loss pay their housing costs.
The other parent has an increase in overtime
On the other hand, if the other parent has an increase in overtime, you may be concerned that your children are not being cared for properly. They may be in day care longer than you prefer. Before doing anything, it's important to find out from the other parent how long they anticipate the overtime will last. Then, you can either make changes to the current custody agreement to include additional overnights with you when the other parent has overtime, or change the custody agreement to full custody if the overtime is prolonged. The reason this is important is because having this legally documented can protect you should the other parent suggest you are not following the custody agreement as it currently stands.
You feel the other parent makes disparaging remarks to the children about you
When one parent makes disparaging remarks about the other parent to their children, it could result in the children having what is called parental alienation syndrome. This may be considered emotional abuse, which could result in your children turning against you. For example, if the other parent continuously tells your children about your flaws or attacks your lifestyle or character, your children may believe them and start mistreating you, bad-mouthing you, and misbehaving for you. If you believe your children are being affected by parental alienation syndrome, speak with a custody attorney for information on obtaining an emergency change to the custody agreement.